Catherine N Steinberg, MA, LMFT
42 North Madison Road
Guilford, CT 06437
Phone & Fax: 203-623-1472
M.A., Human Development and Family
Relations, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Specialty in Marriage and Family Counseling, 1977.
B.A., Major in Psychology; Minor in
Studio Art, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA.
Graduated Cum Laude, 1973.
Present Employment
1985-Present, Psychotherapy Private
Practice, Guilford, CT.
1985-Present, Artist, Guilford, CT.
1983-1988, Clay/Plaster Sculpture with
Lynn McCormick, Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT.
1988-1990, Metal Sculpture with Ann
Lehman, Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT.
Summer 1989, Sculptor Apprenticeship
with Ted Egri, Taos, NM.
1995, Glass Sculpture with Joy Wulke,
Branford, CT.
2000-Present, Painting with Alexander
Shundi , Wooster Art School, Danbury, CT & Arts On The Lake, Carmel, NY.
2000-Present, Painting with Susan Ferri
, Santa Fe, NM & Arts On The Lake, Carmel, NY.
1983-Present, Participant in numerous
student shows at the art schools cited above.
1990, Invitation to exhibit in a One
Woman Sculpture Show for Women in the Arts, Community Gallery, New Haven,
1990, Participant in a juried exhibit,
Choices, Shoreline Alliance for the Arts, Mill Gallery, Guilford,
CT.Medium: Sculpture.
1998, Participant in a juried exhibit
for G.Y.V.T.A. (Gaining Your Voice Through The Arts), Gertrude White
Gallery, Greewich, CT. Medium: Sculpture.
1998, Participant in the 8th
Women’s Sacred Art Festival & Exhibit, DeBlois Gallery, Newport, RI.
Medium: Sculpture.
2001, Coordinator and participant in
The Voice of Art fundraising exhibit for the Women & Family Life Center,
Guilford, CT. Medium: Painting.
2005-Present, Member of the Shoreline
Arts Trail; participant in Open Studios weekend in November each year.